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2651 W. South Jordan Pkwy (104th S.), Ste 101c

South Jordan, UT 84095

Yes, but even better!

I will be providing a functional & integrative approach to your health AND weight.

I will primarily focus on helping you reverse/ treat/ prevent chronic conditions including obesity while helping you uncover and address the core issues that would likely prevent this change from being long term.

We will focus mainly on personalized variations of the low carb healthy fat way of eating while optimizing your lifestyle habits.

Yes, we will continue to support those on a ketogenic lifestyle but we understand that this approach is not for everyone so every attempt will be made to customize a nutrition plan to fit your unique needs. 

Simple answer, No.

Complicated answer, kind of.

Essentially, I will be providing treatment and guidance that addresses 80-90% of most individuals medical needs and we will be working closely every single month. Because of this, your PCP needs should decrease significantly.

Services I will NOT be providing:

  • Sick or acute care visits
  • Workup of new complaints (unrelated to our goals)
  • Annual exams and preventative screenings
  • Chronic medication management (except when we are attempting to remove or decrease)
  • Vaccinations

For the reasons above, you should continue to have your own PCP overseeing your other medical needs.

No, we will NOT be accepting any form of medical insurance.

I realize the impact this may have on many of you. Please know that this was a difficult decision that was necessary in order to create a stand alone clinic that could provide you the level of care and support I believe you need and deserve. 

We live in a world where creating a solo, insurance based, medical practice is more and more rare. Accomplishing this while still practicing medicine the way I know is right just isn't feasible. Trust me, I have tried all the angles.

That being said, Empower Health will be like nothing else out there.

Our metabolic health & weight program will be a completely transparent direct pay (cash based) membership based medical clinic. A clinic that will provide you a level of care you will not find anywhere else.

NOTE: You CAN still use your insurance for labs and medications. 


If you sign up as a patient, we will have an established doctor patient relationship as with any physician.

Exact pricing varies and will be discussed in person during a free consultation (see below to get scheduled)

Things you should know:

  • Empower Health is a membership based clinic where patients signup up for a recurring monthly fee to gain exclusive access to Dr. Trujillo and his clinic in addition to numerous resources we have setup for you.
  • All new patients will pay a reasonable on-boarding fee upon signing up which will include your initial lab workup and program setup in addition to two extended length visits during month one.
  • Beginning month 2, you will be charged a standard monthly rate and be seen at least once per month from that point onward.
  • Add-on visits to an existing membership will be made available for a discounted fee.
  • No other fees or surprise charges will ever be expected at the time of your visit or anytime afterward (excluding future labs)
  • Membership can be cancelled at anytime after the initial 4 months. 

This is a tough one.

I am working tirelessly with my healthcare attorney and accountant to get you a firm answer on this.

Worst case scenario- I can confidently say that my clinic will be providing a qualified medical expense and I will be able to provide you an invoice that you can submit to your HSA for reimbursement. It would be completely in your hands at that point with me being unable to make guarantees.

We can discuss further during our free consultation if desired.

NOTE: You CAN still use your HSA/FSA for labs and medications as you normally would.

Empower Health PLLC will be a brand new stand-alone medical clinic paving it's own way in the world of healthcare.

This independence will allow Dr. Trujillo to give you absolutely everything you need and get rid of everything else that doesn't serve you.

In order to keep costs down for you, Empower Health will begin as a "micro-practice" where Dr. Trujillo is your doctor, medical assistant, receptionist, and office manager all in one. 

As our clinic grows we will inevitably add more staff and providers as needed.

With your help, we can build an amazing clinic that reshapes our corner of healthcare in Utah. 

Exact clinic hours are yet to be determined but will include at least standard business hours M-Th including evening appointments one day per week.

Every attempt will be made to accommodate your unique scheduling needs and make this resource work for you.

We will also make tele-health visits available for when you just can't make it to the office or when you are out of town.

Yes, I will be including a maintenance plan where an individual would only need to be seen quarterly rather than monthly.

You must qualify for this maintenance program. It will not be an option for someone who is still on their journey but just wants to be seen less frequently.

We can discuss this option during our free consultation. 

Yes! We will have the exact same comprehensive body composition scale and we will also be collecting body measurements at regular intervals.

We will also continue to offer in office blood glucose or ketone testing for those that are interested in that service.

"First" visit will be our free consultation where we will meet in person to establish a relationship and see if it is a good match for both parties.

We will go over the overarching program approach, discuss questions you may have and review the membership plan that matches your goals.

Once you have signed up, your true first visit will include:

  • Gathering a detailed medical, medication & nutrition history.
  • Establishing weight, body composition, and body measurement baselines.
  • Collecting a comprehensive mental health & sleep evaluation.
  • Education on key nutrition elements.
  • Initiation of personalized nutritional changes
  • Ordering baseline lab workup.

We will plan to meet back in 1-2 weeks to review the results of our lab workup and then begin more aggressive nutrition & lifestyle changes based on what we discover.

Yes and No.

Anyone who purchased my online course will continue to have full access to "The Road to Change" online program.

Anyone who was an online member who paid a monthly, yearly or lifetime fee will continue to have full access to "The Road to Change" online program in addition to the archive of past masterclasses and Q&A recordings.

Currently all existing membership subscriptions have been discontinued but you will retain access as outlined above free of charge.

NOTE: Main change to the online program is that I will no longer be providing new monthly masterclasses or monthly live Q&A's.

Due to the inconvenience of changes made to the online program, all lifetime members will receive a substantial discount on their clinic membership if they choose to be a patient at Empower Health.

Ready to schedule your FREE Consultation?

Click the link below and pick the date and time that works best for you. I look forward to discussing how I can help you reach your goals. **IMPORTANT** Before you schedule, you should know we do NOT accept insurance. Come learn how this actually plays out in your favor.

Do You Still Have a Question That I Missed?

We can discuss any questions you have during our free consultation OR you can shoot me an email right now and I promise to get back to you as soon as I can.

[email protected]


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